Schedule in Amsterdam Nieuw-west

SCHEDULE in Yoga Nieuw-west Amsterdam

Classes are from 19.30uur – 21.00 uur) and on Wednesday. We are looking into adding Friday morning at 9.30. I will keep you informed.

I leave you with the 5 principles of yoga philosophy summarized by Swami Sivananda.
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Avoiding yoga injuries

It’s always worth remembering that only you can practice with awareness. Your teacher is only your guide…

Yoga for the Community

Yoga by its nature should be sustainable, yet yoga injury is becoming increasingly common.  This could be due to the surge in popularity of yoga worldwide as well as a growing willingness of people to talk about their injuries, owning up that even the universe doesn’t protect yoga practitioners from injury in their practice. FiberArtGirl FiberArtGirl

The benefits of practicing yoga are many, and regular practice of yoga postures increases flexibility, strength and balance, with increased sensitivity being the side-effect. Despite this increased sensitivity, it might seem strange that even the most experienced yoga practitioners and teachers suffer yoga injury at some point over time.

Although there is no sure way never to get injured–we are only human after all–there are some things to keep in mind when you do yoga postures.

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New address for Yoga Nieuw-west

From 21 October, Yoga Nieuw-west moves to the brand new building, just three minutes away from the older location, at:

De Honingraat
Slotermeerlaan 103F
1063 JN Amsterdam

Next week, the Wednesday lesson (16 Oct) is in the old location (Huis van de Wijk ‘Multibox’,  Jan de Louter straat, 19,) as usual and at the usual time.
There is NO lesson on Thursday (17 Oct) due to the move.

