Yoga in Amsterdam Slotermeer

Natasha is now teaching Vinyasa Krama, Hot Yoga and Vinyasa Flow, at Hot Yoga Eindhoven.  “I really miss teaching the community classes at Yoga Nieuw West, but life moves on. I am still available to give private classes in Amsterdam when requested and when I am out of Eindhoven! Watch this space and Hot Yoga Eindhoven to keep informed about a Yoga Retreat ‘Natasha is leading in 2018.” Yoga in Amsterdam nieuw west (Yoga Nieuw West) has moved with Isabel to Yoga in Amsterdam Slotermeer. Contact Isabel at

Flow Yoga in Amsterdam Nieuw-west

Welcome Isabel to yoga in de Honingraat in Amsterdam Slotermeer

As 2017 approaches, this is a good time to change hands as I put my focus to our busy school in Eindhoven, Hot Yoga Eindhoven. From 11 January 2017 you will have Isabel Janowskii as your new teacher at de Honingraat community yoga classes.

What yoga, where and when?
Isabel will let you know the details but she will be giving Flow Yoga classes for all levels. Prices will remain low as this is a community project.

Isabel’s contact details
I leave information on the location of the classes and times on this website until Isabel creates her own for you.

Join the last class with Natasha on 21 December!
Join me on Wednesday, 21 December at de Honingraat at 19.30 if you can! I have a special Flow class lined up for you, ending with some calming breathing exercises to see us through the Christmas festivities!

Wishing you a wonderful 2017
I have loved meeting you all and sharing my yoga practice with you. You have all given me, and Hans, so much energy and goodwill over the last few years of teaching yoga in Yoga Nieuw west.

Keep using  the tools of  yoga to stabilise and calm your lives, even when times seem hard. Focus on your breathing, deep and smooth! Follow what feels right for you. Nothing else is worth it. I  wish you all a wonderful 2017 and beyond!


Yoga for mind clarity

Are you searching for tools to keep a calm, balanced but creative mind? A sustainable home practice that you will stick to?  A way to keep you lucid, fit and able to react in a constructive way to unexpected and stressful happenings? A way to unblock your creativity and sharpen your focus?

Yoga for mind clarity

Join me for an English language Workshop in the Art of Vinyasa Krama Yoga: Yoga for mind clarity on 7 and 21 February at Center Open Field in Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands.

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Vinyasa yoga from the source

‘Breath is central to yoga because it is central to life. And yoga is about life.’
Sri T. Krishnamacharya

I have Just completed a training in Vinyasa Krama with Srivatsa Ramaswami, who trained with the legendary Krishnamacharya for over 30 years. Going back to the source of yoga was a gift that I will share in my classes.


In the meantime, during the seasonal break at Yoga Nieuw-west, here are some little pearls of wisdom for those choosing the path to freedom: Continue reading

Schedule in Amsterdam Nieuw-west

SCHEDULE in Yoga Nieuw-west Amsterdam

Classes are from 19.30uur – 21.00 uur) and on Wednesday. We are looking into adding Friday morning at 9.30. I will keep you informed.

I leave you with the 5 principles of yoga philosophy summarized by Swami Sivananda.
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Making yoga a sustainable part of your life

“Freedom from wanting unlocks the real purpose of existence.”

Yoga, like anything else in your life, needs to be sustainable to work. When you start something new, something you find you like, you can throw yourself into it with great enthusiasm. Or you can find that something new is challenging and therefore needs you to put a lot of energy into it as you process many new things. After a while you will start to see the results. This is often the moment when you can let things slide. It is at the moment when something is working well for you that you need to readjust to keep things in balance for yourself. Perhaps slacken off a bit in how much you do of it, or relax the way you look at it as it becomes more manageable for you. But don’t drop it. Continue reading

Welcome back to Yoga Nieuw-west in 2015!

“Your hand opens and closes and opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as bird wings.”

“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.”
Dalai Lama XIV

“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.”

Yoga Nieuw-west opens again on Tuesday, 6 January.
Check out the class schedule here.

Hotpod yoga for Yoga Nieuw-west community

“Life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”
(Jim Rohn)

As classes are limited for December at Yoga Nieuw-west, I have arranged a special deal with Hotpod yoga Amsterdam and anyone registered with Yoga Nieuw-west Amsterdam to enable you to keep up your yoga practice. You will get the opportunity to try out yoga in a hotter room (actually a specially designed Hotpod) with a wonderful yoga teacher, Mercedes Parellada.

Hot pod yoga

Yoga in the Hotpod

Amsterdam Yoga Nieuw-west members are entitled to a 5-class pass for EUR 25 (normal price is EUR 45) which has no expiry date. I will send the details on how to book with the discount to those of you registered with a Yoga Nieuw-west. If you do not receive the information by email  by end of 1 December, then please get in touch.


Hotpod yoga is not far from Yoga Nieuw-west

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