Hotpod yoga for Yoga Nieuw-west community

“Life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”
(Jim Rohn)

As classes are limited for December at Yoga Nieuw-west, I have arranged a special deal with Hotpod yoga Amsterdam and anyone registered with Yoga Nieuw-west Amsterdam to enable you to keep up your yoga practice. You will get the opportunity to try out yoga in a hotter room (actually a specially designed Hotpod) with a wonderful yoga teacher, Mercedes Parellada.

Hot pod yoga

Yoga in the Hotpod

Amsterdam Yoga Nieuw-west members are entitled to a 5-class pass for EUR 25 (normal price is EUR 45) which has no expiry date. I will send the details on how to book with the discount to those of you registered with a Yoga Nieuw-west. If you do not receive the information by email  by end of 1 December, then please get in touch.


Hotpod yoga is not far from Yoga Nieuw-west

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